Fellow Conservatives,

It’s actually happening. Senator Chuck Grassley, the Republican Senator at the helm of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is meeting with Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee to “hear him out.” The meeting is already scheduled.

First, Grassley declared that there was no need to talk because Judge Merrick Garland’s nomination would be dead on arrival in the Senate.  Then, out of the blue, Grassley met with President Obama to talk about his nominee. Now, he is once again caving and meeting with Merrick Garland himself to “hear him out.”

You are witnessing treachery right before your eyes. As we have previously reported, it takes 16 GOP Senators to push through a Supreme Court nominee with 100% Democrat support. Well, Eighteen GOP Senators have already caved on this. We just learned today that everyone’s least favorite RINO, Senator Lindsey Graham, will also sit down and talk with Obama’s nominee. 

Literally, the only thing standing in between Merrick Garland and Justice Scalia’s seat is Senator Grassley. Without Grassley’s approval, there won’t be a Judiciary vote. Without a vote in the Judiciary Committee, Garland can’t be put up for a floor vote.

This man is all that is keeping the Supreme Court from shifting dramatically to the Left and he just announced he is meeting with Obama’s nominee! Don't let this happen!

You’re running out of time! FaxBlast Congress and DEMAND they stop Senator Grassley and others from surrendering and approving Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.

This is not a joke and it is not a drill. The one man standing in the way of Obama’s nominee being confirmed has agreed to meet and “talk it out.”

We cannot assume that the GOP would vote “no.” The Democrats are pressing hard to try to convince Grassley to hold the vote. They know that they just need a couple of Republicans in the committee and then 16 GOP Senators on the floor to push Merrick Garland through.

The only way to stop this man from taking Antonin Scalia’s seat is to stop a vote from ever happening.

We have never been closer to losing this fight.

If the Republicans cave on this, it is entirely possible that you will never witness another Conservative Supreme Court victory in your lifetime. That is what is at stake here: the very future of the country.

We have seen the number of GOP surrenders grow from zero all the way to eighteen, which is more than enough Republican support for the Democrats to push the nomination through. We have officially reached the point of no return.

But we have also been able to shame some of these people into reversing course. Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS) was calling for full hearings and a floor vote. We overwhelmed him and his colleagues with tens of thousands of faxes and shamed him into reversing course.

Just because the deck is stacked against you doesn’t mean you’re powerless to stop them from going through with it. The RINOs want to cave. You can see it in their eyes. They want to push Obama’s nomination through so badly. The only thing stopping them is We the People!

The head of the Senate Judiciary is meeting with Obama’s Supreme Court nominee. Sen. Grassley wants to “hear him out.” If this happens, it’s over! Just to put it in perspective, last week, 1/4 of the GOP caucus had agreed to meet with Garland. Today, the surrender list has grown to over 1/3 of the Caucus! 

Are you going to sit around and watch as the RINOs hand the Supreme Court over to the Left on a silver platter? Or are you ready to rise up and put a stop to this now?

Send him packing! Click and force Congress to STOP Obama’s Supreme Court nominee from moving forward! 


Joe Otto

Conservative Daily
