UNFIT FOR OFFICE: Biden's Lack of Cognitive Function is a Matter of National Security


On Friday, Tucker Carlson reported the disturbing fact that Jill Biden has been medicating the so-called 46th President prior to public appearances. From the segment:


“This guy can't be the Democratic nominee. He can barely speak. How did he manage to get through the campaign? Well, it turned out, we learned later, his staff supervised by Dr. Jill, his wife, was giving him pills before every public appearance, checking the time in at a certain hour, giving him a dose of something. Now, it's not a guess. We're not making that up. We've spoken directly to someone who was there and saw it happen multiple times.”


Tucker Carlson and Fox News are about as mainstream as it gets for American right media, and Carlson has drawn ire from his base for avoiding stories that he couldn’t confidently publish based on the sources. So, the very fact that Carlson went live with this story last week means we can have a high level of confidence it’s true.


With that in mind, ask yourself why every legislator – not just every Republican legislator but every legislator – isn’t vehemently demanding his removal from office via the 25th Amendment. Rather, they’ve been largely silent.


Biden’s cognitive decline, obvious to anyone with eyes, is now a credible national security threat. Consider the first (almost) two years of this administration. The failed withdrawal from Afghanistan that left 13 American Servicemembers dead. The supply chain crisis that left babies without food. The current state of the economy with empty shelves or $10 bread. The embarrassing display with the Saudi Royals this past weekend where he failed to secure additional oil supply for the American people.


How much of the pain that the American people are feeling is due to an incapacitated chief executive and the establishment that is covering for him? And how much more is to come if Biden continues to hold onto the nuclear codes?


We don’t want to find out. There is more than enough evidence to call Joseph Robinette Biden’s ability to lead into question. The American people deserve better and our nation demands an end to this international disgrace.


Everyone knows that Biden isn’t really running the country, and now even Tucker Carlson is willing to discuss this fact. Those who’ve covered for his mental condition must be held accountable. Only then can we focus on repairing all the damage they’ve done.