Biden Set To Automatically Legalize 500,000 Illegals?!

Biden Set To Automatically Legalize 500,000 Illegals?!

Biden Set To Automatically Legalize 500,000 Illegals?!

**Action Needed: Defend Our Borders and Uphold the Law**
Yesterday, Joe Biden proposed shielding 500,000 undocumented immigrants from deportation, including those married to U.S. citizens who haven't pursued legal status. This undermines our laws and ignores the southern border crisis. If you are here illegally you should be at risk of deportation, no matter how long you have been here or if you are married to a U.S. citizen. 
Send this message to Congress now. Demand they reject Biden's plan and focus on securing our borders and enforcing existing laws. Our nation's security and rule of law are at stake.
Stand up for America. Act today to protect our borders and prioritize American citizens.
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