Urgent: IMPEACH Attorney General Merrick Garland - He is Loyal to BIDEN not the CONSTITUTION

Urgent: IMPEACH Attorney General Merrick Garland - He is Loyal to BIDEN not the CONSTITUTION

Urgent: IMPEACH Attorney General Merrick Garland - He is Loyal to BIDEN not the CONSTITUTION

Garland has proven that he is loyal to Biden and Biden only. He doesn't care about the oath he swore to the constitution, he doesn’t care about the demand of the American people. 
This week, Garland faced intense questioning from GOP lawmakers, led by Jim Jordan, about his involvement in the Hunter Biden case and J6. During which he dodged questions, feigned ignorance (likely incriminating him in perjury), and was a bumbling mess. 
Garland has GOT TO GO! Send your instant Fax Blast today! Tell Congress that they must press for an impeachment inquiry on Biden's pet DOG Garland! He is not loyal to our constitution or the people!
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