Biden White House to censor COVID vaccine skepticism

Biden White House to censor COVID vaccine skepticism

Biden White House to censor COVID vaccine skepticism

Readers, the Biden White House censorship continues… At this point, Biden might as well tear our Continuation up on TV. 
Recent subpoenaed documents and emails coming from Representative Jim Jordan, the Ohio Republican who leads the House Judiciary Committee, show that the Biden White House has been using its power and influence to pressure social media giants, particularly Facebook (now known as Meta), to censor content that questioned or criticized the COVID-19 vaccine.
And in response, like a good pup, Meta did just that! 
WOW! What a joke. It's a shame, a complete disregard to our Constitution, that the White House is able to pressure social media companies to suppress information that they deem “false.” 
The subpoenaed documents, gathered by Jim Jordan, unmistakably reveal that the White House has harnessed its authority to subdue platforms meant for free speech and open dialogue. This isn't just an attack on our Constitution but also an assault on our nation's integrity.
We must stand up, DEFEND our right to Free Speech! Support Jim Jordan in his investigation of the White House, and KILL the Biden White House Censorship of the American People!
Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and tell them that they must support Jim Jordan in his pursuit to subpoena more documents between Facebook and the White House! Let them know that your right to Free Speech will not be undermined and that YOU WILL NOT BE CENSORED!
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