Censorship & Election Interference Continues: RFK Silenced at Congressional Hearing & Online

Censorship & Election Interference Continues: RFK Silenced at Congressional Hearing & Online

Censorship & Election Interference Continues: RFK Silenced at Congressional Hearing & Online

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. strongly defended free speech as the foundation of a free society, warning against government censorship and its potential for abuse. He faced accusations from House Democrats over his views on namely COVID-19 and vaccines but maintained hope that the American people were listening to his true message and not one that had been misrepresented and twisted.
During the recent hearing on government censorship, Democrats attempted to silence him, but he was allowed to testify due to the Republican majority. During said hearing, Kennedy was continuously interrupted, ridiculed, and attacked, for statements that had been either taken out of context or misconstrued.
In attempts to defend himself and his statements, his testimony was repeatedly stopped before he could complete his response to any questions that had been asked. Kennedy, being a candidate for president, faced an unprecedented amount of censorship due to his views that are often in opposition to that of his party. However, regardless of what the media or members of Congress think, whether they find Kennedy's views to be false or inflammatory, under the 1st amendment, he has a right to speak, testify, and defend these beliefs, and that right should and cannot be infringed upon, especially by the officials who are sworn to uphold these rights. 
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