WHO Treaty Calls for Global Digital Passport and Tracking ID

WHO Treaty Calls for Global Digital Passport and Tracking ID

WHO Treaty Calls for Global Digital Passport and Tracking ID

The World Health Organization is now pushing a program to establish a universal digital passport and ID tracking system. The WHO has contracted a German-based Deutsche Telekom subsidiary to develop a global vaccine passport system, with plans to link every person on the planet to a QR code digital ID.

These are the same people that embrace issuing Central Bank Digital Currencies(CBDC) and individual carbon footprint tracking for all humans! 
Americans refuse to be tracked like insects under this New World Order agenda. Demand your Representatives condemn any attempt to subject the American people to this modern day, digital slavery!
Under no circumstances can our Representatives allow us to remain under the tyrannical obligations of the World Health Organization! Defund the WHO now! Not a penny of taxpayer money should be spent on this corrupt, Globalist organization!
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