The Democrats and RINOs Were Just Stopped by Rand Paul

The Democrats and RINOs Were Just Stopped by Rand Paul

The Democrats and RINOs Were Just Stopped by Rand Paul

Joe Biden’s ridiculous $40 billion aid package for Ukraine was just stopped in the Senate by Rand Paul. Rand Paul is a true American Patriot that understands the importance of avoiding another “forever war” that both the Democrats and RINOs in Congress desperately want.

How can any elected official agree to send billions overseas when our people go hungry and our country’s economy falls to pieces under the current Regime?
With $40 billion dollars, Congress could fix the crisis at the border or solve the massive food insecurity that is crushing Americans and leaving many families to starve. 
Send your Instant FaxBlast today and urge your Representatives to side with Rand Paul in blockading this disastrous use of money!
Demand your Representatives take immediate action and stop this exorbitant waste of our taxpayer dollars!

WE need more people like Rand Paul in Congress and less of Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell!
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