Betrayal: More GOPers Agreeing to Impeach and Remove Trump

Betrayal: More GOPers Agreeing to Impeach and Remove Trump

Betrayal: More GOPers Agreeing to Impeach and Remove Trump

More Republican traitors are joining the Left's plan to impeach Trump! Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) is the latest to demand that Trump resign or face another impeachment.

The Left wants to punish Trump so they can prosecute him and his family. The GOP wants Trump impeached so they can block him from ever running again and retake control of the party.

Everything that they are doing to Trump, they really want to do to you... they just haven't figured out a way to do it yet.

For five years, this man fought for us. Now, we must rise up and fight for him!

Quick, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and tell them that any Congressman or Senator who supports this impeachment push will be removed from office!

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