Disgusting: Nancy Pelosi Egging On The Violent 'Protesters'

Disgusting: Nancy Pelosi Egging On The Violent 'Protesters'

Disgusting: Nancy Pelosi Egging On The Violent 'Protesters'

The Leftist mob is getting out of control. A 24-year-old mother was just shot and killed in Indianapolis for saying the phrase "All Lives Matter." In St. Louis, Catholics continue to be attacked for praying and blocking the mob from tearing down a statue of Louis IX.

German writer Heinrich Heine warned in the early 1800s that when a society burns books (and tears down statues), eventually they will burn humans as well. 

It's no longer a matter of eventually. These violent leftists have already started attacking and killing people who oppose their radical agenda.

And Nancy Pelosi? Not only did she brush aside the violence by saying "people will do what they do," but she is actually egging it on by forcing a vote on a package to remove hundreds of paintings, statues, monuments, and other offensive "paraphernalia." Instead of condemning the violence, she wants to egg it on...

Instead of stopping her, the GOP cowards are joining the push. They think they can appease the mob.

You MUST stop them! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress and DEMAND that they kill Pelosi's package to remove statues and monuments to erase our history!

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