Breaking: GOP Fools Agree to Help Leftists Erase Our History!

Breaking: GOP Fools Agree to Help Leftists Erase Our History!

Breaking: GOP Fools Agree to Help Leftists Erase Our History!

The fools in the GOP are doubling down. After massive pushback on their plan to abolish Columbus Day to make room for "Juneteenth" -- a holiday most of us had never even heard of a few weeks ago -- the GOP is doubling down. Sens. Johnson and Lankford are now saying it is about "balancing the budget." 

Since Juneteenth is guaranteed to pass, they want to balance the budget by eliminating Columbus Day. And they call that a compromise.

The reason they are caving on this is that they believe Conservatives won't care. They truly believe that you won't care if they abolish Columbus Day to make room for a new federal holiday that didn't even officially exist before 1980.

If they cave to the Left on this, it won't stop here. The Left will take their "compromise" for weakness and continue trying to erase and rewrite our history.

That is why it is so important to stop them right here and right now!

Quick, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and tell them there will be hell to pay if they cave and abolish Columbus Day to make room for 'Juneteenth' on the federal calendar!

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