This Week: Pelosi Forcing Vote-By-Mail Scheme Through Congress!

This Week: Pelosi Forcing Vote-By-Mail Scheme Through Congress!

This Week: Pelosi Forcing Vote-By-Mail Scheme Through Congress!

The Democrats' mantra has always been 'never let a good crisis go to waste.'

Pelosi is now advancing a bill that, if passed, will give Democrats everything they need to steal the 2020 Election.

Pelosi's vote-by-mail scheme would guarantee voter fraud by sending ballots to ineligible voters and legalizing "ballot harvesting," a practice that has been linked to increased voter fraud.

The GOP is already starting to cave to Pelosi's demands. Cowards like Mitt Romney are already starting to say that they want to negotiate with Pelosi over what the final bill will look like...

Pelosi wants to push this bill through THIS WEEK! You must stop her before it's too late!

Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and help us KILL Pelosi's vote-by-mail scheme before she can push it through!

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