Breaking: Mitt Romney Flips, Joins Dems on Impeachment!

Breaking: Mitt Romney Flips, Joins Dems on Impeachment!

Breaking: Mitt Romney Flips, Joins Dems on Impeachment!

Mitt Romney just became the first GOP traitor to officially flip. Romney announced that he will vote with the Democrats to lengthen the trial and subpoena additional Trump witnesses and documents. And GOPers are lining up behind him, waiting for their chance to turn on the President.

Schumer now says he has enough GOP support to hijack the trial process and seize control. Nancy Pelosi is now meeting with radicals like Maxine Waters to devise additional impeachment articles against the President...

But the surrender still hasn't happened yet. As spineless as these GOPers are, they are still terrified of losing their power. The only thing stopping them from turning on the President is their fear of YOU!

That is why we need your help! Our plan today is to bombard Congress with 2 million FaxBlasts demanding they shut down these impeachment articles and Pelosi-driven investigations once and for all. But we can't do it without your help!

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