GOP and Dems Caught Advancing New Gun Control Surrender Package!

GOP and Dems Caught Advancing New Gun Control Surrender Package!

GOP and Dems Caught Advancing New Gun Control Surrender Package!

Democrats just scored a major gun control victory. After fighting for 23 years, the Left finally got the CDC's gun control research funding restored. Not only did the GOP help them do it, but they want to help the Democrats pass even more gun control.

The first gun control bill would give the government the power to create a gun owner registry. The second bill would allow the FBI to block millions of gun owners from purchasing new firearms.

This is it. If they get this gun control package through, it is all over.

You CANNOT let the Democrats and GOP pass this package!

Quick, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and tell Republicans and Democrats alike that if they vote for these radical gun control proposals, they will be dragged out of office! 

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