Breaking: Mitt Romney Now Forcing Vote to Cancel Trump's Border Wall Authority!

Breaking: Mitt Romney Now Forcing Vote to Cancel Trump's Border Wall Authority!

Breaking: Mitt Romney Now Forcing Vote to Cancel Trump's Border Wall Authority!

Border wall construction is now moving full speed ahead. The Pentagon just reported that a mile of border wall is going up every single day, and that pace is set to increase as more border wall projects start up in the coming weeks.

The White House is also preparing to reallocate an additional $3.6 billion for the border wall project. This would allow Trump to double the fencing/wall at the border in just his first term.

The GOP is furious. Mitt Romney and Mike Lee are forcing a vote on their bill -- the Article One Act -- to eliminate the President's ability to move around funding to expand the border wall.

They are desperate to halt the border wall construction. They are forcing a vote on this bill early next week!

We can still stop this, but we need your help!

Please join the campaign and help bombard Congress FaxBlasts today demanding they protect all border wall construction funds and KILL the Article One Act once and for all!

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