Breaking: GOPers Now Openly Supporting Pelosi's Radical Amnesty Plan!

Breaking: GOPers Now Openly Supporting Pelosi's Radical Amnesty Plan!

Breaking: GOPers Now Openly Supporting Pelosi's Radical Amnesty Plan!

Democrats are making their move to make Barack Obama's amnesty executive order permanent.

This plan would make more than 2.5 million illegal aliens eligible for US citizenship, even if they are convicted criminals. It would flip Republican states like Florida, Texas, Georgia, Arizona, and North Carolina, guaranteeing Democrat Presidents and Congresses for decades to come.

And instead of fighting this, the GOP is trying to negotiate with Pelosi and Schumer to help make this amnesty bill the law of the land.

The surrender is happening right now! Take a stand and stop this madness before it's too late!

Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE them to kill this amnesty surrender plan!

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