Surrender: Graham and GOP Caving on Gun Confiscations and Bans!

Surrender: Graham and GOP Caving on Gun Confiscations and Bans!

Surrender: Graham and GOP Caving on Gun Confiscations and Bans!

Lindsey Graham is currently working with Democrats on a "compromise" gun control package. It's a "compromise" because instead of banning and confiscating all guns, the GOP is only going to let the Democrats have some of them...

They are trying to time this around the Mueller report's release tomorrow. The GOP knows that their only hope is to catch you off guard while the media is focusing on something else.

You must fight back before it's too late!

Please, send your instantly delivered FaxBlast to Congress below and FORCE them to kill Graham's Red Flag bill, Feinstein's gun ban, and any other gun control bill that emerges from these secret meetings!

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