Breaking: Conservatives Set Deadline, Schedule Impeachment Against Deep State Criminals!

Breaking: Conservatives Set Deadline, Schedule Impeachment Against Deep State Criminals!

Breaking: Conservatives Set Deadline, Schedule Impeachment Against Deep State Criminals!

Rod Rosenstein is refusing to hand over the documents that Congress has subpoenaed. He is hiding the evidence of how DOJ and FBI officials broke the law and went after Donald Trump.

We have buried Congress in FaxBlasts demanding that they hold Rosenstein and the rest of the Deep State accountable.

We have just learned that Devin Nunes has given Rosenstein until tomorrow to comply with the subpoena, or else face contempt and impeachment votes.

Already, Paul Ryan is trying desperately to stop this from happening.

More importantly than ever, the time to fight is right now!

Please, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress and DEMAND they impeach Rod Rosenstein for flagrantly defying a Congressional subpoena!


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