Naming Names: Here are the 50 GOP Congressmen Surrendering on Amnesty

Naming Names: Here are the 50 GOP Congressmen Surrendering on Amnesty

Naming Names: Here are the 50 GOP Congressmen Surrendering on Amnesty

It is confirmed. Fifty Republicans have signed onto the Establishment's plan to force a vote on clean amnesty bills.

They are going to push this through to not only make Barack Obama's amnesty executive order permanent, but also to block the border wall and put these illegal aliens on a pathway to citizenship.

But it's not too late. One Republican has already abandoned ship and removed his name from the resolution. More GOPers are now looking to head for the exits.

You MUST keep up the pressure!

Please, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress and FORCE them to kill H.Res.774 before it's too late!

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