VA is Actually Turning Away Our Veterans

VA is Actually Turning Away Our Veterans

VA is Actually Turning Away Our Veterans

Chris Dorsey is an American hero who served as an Army Calvary Scout from 2001-2005. While fighting in Iraq, Dorsey developed PTSD. 

Over the past week, he has been turned away by not one, but TWO VA hospitals and clinincs. On both occasions, he was told the VA wasn't taking any new patients.

No, it's not supposed to work this way. Every veteran deserves whatever care they need. What is shameful is that Congress doesn't seem to care. They "did something" and that's all that matters.

It doesn't need to be this way. Before you start travelling or barbequing for the Fourth of July Holiday, I implore you to raise your voice and FaxBlast Congress on this important issue. Right now, there are veterans who are being turned away and that is unacceptable. The deserve better and it is up to YOU to demand it!

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