Unconstitutional DOJ Program Putting Gun Stores Out of Business!

Unconstitutional DOJ Program Putting Gun Stores Out of Business!

Unconstitutional DOJ Program Putting Gun Stores Out of Business!

Last year, the Department of Justice began unfairly targeting gun stores by bullying their banks into dropping them as customers. Eric Holder’s DOJ claims this is necessary to fight against illegal gun sales, but the reality is the program only makes it harder for gun stores to do business.

This past summer, Congress approved a law defunding the program (known as Operation Choke Point). The legislation explicitly prohibits any funding for the anti-gun program. After mounting pressure, the DOJ announced it would no longer compel banks to drop gun stores as customers. That was a lie. The program is still going on.

This isn’t about stopping crime… this is about making it more expensive and harder for YOU to exercise your Second Amendment rights! As long as it is acceptable for the government to bully one industry, then we are all at risk!

Demand that Congress put a stop to this illegal program once and for all and start arresting these criminal bureaucrats!

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