Demonic! Warren attacks non-violent pregnancy centers: Kill babies or go out of business!

Demonic! Warren attacks non-violent pregnancy centers: Kill babies or go out of business!

Demonic! Warren attacks non-violent pregnancy centers: Kill babies or go out of business!

When the establishment wants to minimize the impact of an unpopular action, they act on a Friday.

Yesterday, the Democrat-led House of Representatives passed two federal abortion bills in response to the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade late last month. The bills are aimed at minimizing the States’ ability to set their own abortion laws and regulations. In other words, they oppose any limits whatsoever.


The abortion industry and their legislative lapdogs demand their tribute of preborn humans, and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) made that crystal clear when speaking to reporters this week. 


In a bizarre rant to NBC-10 in Boston, Warren stated, “In Massachusetts right now, those crisis pregnancy centers that are there to fool people who are looking for pregnancy termination help, outnumber true abortion clinics by 3 to 1. We need to shut them down here in Massachusetts, and we need to shut them down around the country.”


We had to watch this a few times to be sure we heard the failed Presidential candidate correctly. 

Warren is actually proposing to shut down charities that help women in unplanned pregnancies. If a pregnant woman goes into a crisis pregnancy center and comes out with her baby intact inside her, that pregnancy center must be immediately shut down according to Elizabeth Warren. If you’re not killing babies, you’re finished!


The legislation now heads to the Senate where it is expected to fail without enough support to avoid the filibuster. You can expect to hear calls from the radical left next to abolish the filibuster. 


The billion dollar abortion industry cannot afford to grant personhood or afford human rights to preborn humans. Their lucrative bottom line and dark, demonic mission won’t allow it.


Tell your Senators to vote NO on this disgusting legislation, and demand that they protect non-violent pregnancy centers today! 

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