Bombshell Video: Van Delivered Biden Votes At 3:30am!

Bombshell Video: Van Delivered Biden Votes At 3:30am!

Bombshell Video: Van Delivered Biden Votes At 3:30am!

We now have the bombshell, smoking gun video.

At 3:30am and then again at 4:30am, a white van delivered tens of thousands of unsecured ballots to the TCF Center in Detroit the morning after the election.

These ballots were not moved in approved "transfer containers" and lack the chain of custody documents necessary to prove they're legitimate. The affidavits were truthful. There was a massive, undocumented delivery of Biden ballots, in the middle of the night, right before Joe Biden took the lead and "won" Michigan.

We now know that the Supreme Court is meeting this month to finally decide whether or not to hear the election lawsuits...

The American people deserve answers. We need your help to fight this! Our goal today is to bombard Congress with a Half-Million FaxBlasts DEMANDING that they launch a full investigation into these election fraud allegations and evidence. But we can't do it without your help!

Don't let them sweep this under the rug! Please, join the fight right now and send your urgent FaxBlast to Congress DEMANDING a full investigation into the Michigan 3:30am ballot deliveries and all other credible allegations of voter fraud!

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